In this updated version (082021), we present the cycle of stress in five acts (like a Shakespearean play).  This “play” unfolds (training presented) from the perspective of the individual in distress; that is before, during and after the situation / stressor.

Act 1: Well (enough)
Before the situation / stressor causes distress, the individual is feeling well (enough).  Of course, life is not perfect, but it is working.  The individual is functioning, adapting and overcoming in order to have needs met and wants satisfied (well enough).

Act 2: This just happened
And just like that, an unexpected and intense situation / stressor comes along and knocks the individual off-balance, disrupting their “normal” for a bit.

Act 3: Disrupted, Naturally
Because the situation / stress is powerful, it naturally cause a disruption to how the individual is thinking, feeling, behaving, believing and their physical body.

Act 4: Enter the Peer
Wanting to hurt less and feel better, the individual may reach out to a trained peer looking for support.  As such, we created a 6-Part Protocol©️as a guide for peers to provide care and offer hope to those struggling with stress.  We teach (and practice) each and every part of our protocol in the 2-day basic class.

Act 5: Hurt less, feel better
With support of the peer, the individual is able to decrease stress, increase clarity and empower healthy decision-making.

Along with updated curriculum, we’ve updated our materials too.  We’ve added a 80+ page student textbook, updated slide deck, quick guides, eBooks and more.

This updated training (+ materials) is available now.

For graduates (2017-present), click here and use your password to download these updated materials.

Forgot the password?  Email with graduate name and class date.

For graduates before 2017, we recommend refresh / recent training (discounts available).